Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Warm 2012

View of the Williamsburg Bridge at twilight, beers on a Brooklyn roof top. 

Me: "Basically I am just trying to recreate my life from the ages of 22-25 within the next few months.  Just a summer of complete wild-assery"

D: "I want in on that."


This is not exactly true.  Because I am older, wiser, experienced-I couldn't recreate my mindset from that part of my life if I tried and there are certainly parts of my mindset from that time that I am glad to be without.  I am one of those people whose lives are full of a multitude of blessings, not really sure as to why and am often waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I am now in another wave of forward-upward trajectory, I can feel it when I wake up in the morning the universe pushing me forward as I am in the midst of planning a four month pseudo sabbatical get away from the city.  I like to think much how Che Guevara's motorcycle trip ended with him becoming one of the most influential revolutionaries in history, that I too will end all my silliness and adventure seeking providing something to this world.  For now, in the spirit of my early adulthood I will be happy making sure I feel joy each day, letting every being I come across know that I love them, drinking and gaining unnecessary amounts of sun exposure.

Between coordinating with friends my sabbatical and general warm summer fun time I also think about Syria specifically this week with the Houla Massacre.  What madness is this?  How can one man's mind make logic out of being so cruel to another?  It seems so illogical, with all the beauty in this world that someone would want to spend their time in this life wanting to  cause such destruction and grief.  I ask myself how but it is easy for me from the comfort of my very Brooklynite, sabbatical planning 30 something life to place judgement on the actions of individuals who live in countries wallowing in conflict (and I am not speaking of Assad but the minions in his employ who carry out crimes against their own people).  It seems even so much more illogical to me often that my life is the way it is and that others are the way theirs are.  When I look out off of rooftops onto the NYC skyline I am looking past the hazey dreamy sunset to the other souls surviving in much crueler circumstances and my immediate reaction is to pray pray pray.

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